11.5 Argyres-Douglas CFTs

Let us study the most singular point in the Coulomb branches of the theories we analyzed in this section.

11.5.1 Pure SU(N) theory

First, take the curve of the pure SU(N) theory:

ΛN z + ΛNz = xN + + uN (11.5.1)

with the differential λ = xdzz. We set z = 1 + δz, uN = 2ΛN + δuN and take the limit where both δz and δuN are very small. We find

cδz2 = xN + u2xN 2 + + δuN (11.5.2)

where c is an unimportant constant. The differential is now given by λ = xdδz δzdx. Introducing z̃ = 1x, we find that the curve in this limit can be written as

cλ2 = 1 + u2z̃2 + u3z̃3 + + ũNz̃N z̃N + 4 dz̃2. (11.5.3)

Note that it has the same form as the curve we saw in Sec. 10.5, which arose from considering the curve

λ2 = ϕ(z̃) (11.5.4)

where ϕ(z̃) is a quadratic differential with one pole of order N + 4, see Fig. 11.7. This is the same as the theory Y N+4 introduced in Fig. 10.8. We have

ADNf=0(SU(N)) = Y N+4. (11.5.5)

Figure 11.7: The most singular point of pure SU(N) theory

Demanding that λ has scaling dimension 1, we find that

[uk] = 2k N + 2. (11.5.6)

Note that we have [uk] + [uN+2k] = 2. At this point it is instructive to recall our discussions around (10.1.13). We consider the prepotential deformation

d4𝜃ukuN+2k (11.5.7)

where d4𝜃 is the chiral 𝒩=2 superspace integral. As [uk] 1 [uN+2k] when k N + 2 k, we consider uk is the deformation parameter for the physical operator uN+2k.

Take the simplest case N = 3. We have the theory with one operator with [u3] = 65 and a corresponding parameter with [u2] = 45. These are the same as those of the Argyres-Douglas CFT which arose from SU(2) with one flavor; in fact the curve and the differential are completely the same:

ADNf=0(SU(3)) = Y 7 = ADNf=1(SU(2)). (11.5.8)
11.5.2 SU(N) theory with two flavors

Next, consider SU(N) theory with two flavors. The curve is

(x μ1)ΛN 1 z + (x μ2)ΛN 1z = xN + + uN. (11.5.9)

We already studied the case N = 2, so let us set N > 3. Then we expand as

uN1 = 2ΛN 1 + δuN1,z = 1 + δz (11.5.10)

and take the limit where δz, δuN1 and μ1,2 are all small. The curve is

c(x μ1 + μ2 2 )δz2 + c(μ1 μ2)δz = xN + + uN2x2 + δuN1x + uN (11.5.11)

with the differential λ = xdδz δzdx. Here c and c are unimportant constants.

We now define x by x = x (μ1 + μ2)2, shift δz by δz δz (cc)(μ1 μ2)(2x), and introduce z̃ = 1x. The curve is now

λ2 = 1 + ũ1z̃ + ũ2z̃2 + + ũNz̃N + (μ̃1 μ̃2)2z̃N + 1 z̃N + 3 dz̃2. (11.5.12)

Here we absorbed various unimportant numerical constants into the definition of variables with tildes.

This is the curve λ2 = ϕ(z) with ϕ having one pole of order N + 3 and another of order 2, see Fig. 11.8. This is the theory XN+3 introduced in Fig. 10.8. We have

ADNf=2(SU(N)) = XN+3. (11.5.13)

The most singular point of SU(N) theory with odd number of flavors gives an 𝒩=2 CFT, analyzed in [6519]. The most singular point of SU(N) theory with even number of flavors Nf 4 does not give an 𝒩=2 CFT, as we will see in Sec. 12.4.4.

Figure 11.8: The most singular point of SU(N) theory with two flavors

11.5.3 Pure SO(2N) theory

Next, take the pure SO(2N) theory

x2(Λ2N 2 z + Λ2N 2z) = x2N + u2x2N 2 + + u2N. (11.5.14)


u2N2 = 2Λ2N 2 + δu2N2,z = 1 + δz (11.5.15)

and go to the limit where δu2N2, δz are both small. The curve is

cδz2 = x2N 2 + + δu2N2 + u2N x2 (11.5.16)

where c is an unimportant constant. The differential is given by λ = xdδz δzdz. In terms of z̃ = 1x2, the curve is

cλ2 = 1 + ũ2z̃ + + ũ2N2z̃N 1 + u2Nz̃N z̃N + 2 dz̃2. (11.5.17)

This is again the curve λ2 = ϕ(z) with ϕ having one pole of rather high order N + 2 and another of order 2, see Fig. 11.9. Therefore we find

ADNf=0(SO(2N)) = XN+2. (11.5.18)

Figure 11.9: The most singular point of SO(2N) theory

Now, SU(4) and SO(6) have the same Lie algebra. Using (11.5.5) and (11.5.18), we find

Y 8 = ADNf=0(SU(4)) = ADNf=0(SO(6)) = X5. (11.5.19)

Using (11.5.13), we find that these are also equivalent to ADNf=2(SU(2)). This set of equivalences explains what we saw in (10.5.1).

11.5.4 Argyres-Douglas CFTs and the Higgs branch

The SU(2) theory with Nf = 2 flavors has a Higgs branch of the form 22, but the pure SU(4) theory does not have it in the ultraviolet. We just claimed

ADNf=0(SU(4)) = ADNf=2(SU(2)). (11.5.20)

How is this compatible? The discussion below summarizes the content of [66].

Note that the limiting Argyres-Douglas theory has an operator u of scaling dimension 4/3, a corresponding parameter m of scaling dimension 23 and an additional mass parameter μ1 μ2 of scaling dimension 1. When we realize it as a limit of the SU(2) theory with Nf = 2 flavors, clearly the low energy theory has just one U(1) multiplet and μ1 μ2 is an external parameter.

When we realize the same theory as a limit of the pure SU(4) theory, however, originally the low energy theory has U(1)3 vector multiplet, and three Coulomb branch parameters u2, u3 and u4. We saw that δu2 has scaling dimension 2/3, δu4 scaling dimension 4/3, and δu3 is of scaling dimension 1. Therefore, we see that the mass parameter μ1 μ2 of the limiting Argyres-Douglas theory is now promoted to the vev δu3 of a U(1) multiplet in this realization. Equivalently, the U(1) subgroup of the SU(2) flavor symmetry of the limiting theory is weakly dynamically gauged, thus removing the Higgs branch.

Similarly, we saw here that the pure SO(8) theory and the SU(3) theory with Nf = 2 flavors both give rise to the CFT X6. In Sec. 10.5, we also learned that SU(2) theory with Nf = 3 flavors also has a point on the Coulomb branch where the low energy limit is described by the same theory X6, see (10.5.1). The situation concerning their Higgs branches can also be studied similarly as above. The limiting theory itself has an operator u of scaling dimension 3/2, a corresponding deformation parameter m of dimension 1/2, and two mass parameters μ1 μ2 and μ1 μ3 for the SU(3) flavor symmetry. This is most clearly seen in the description as a point on the Coulomb branch of the SU(2) theory with Nf = 3 flavors.

In terms of SU(3) theory with Nf = 2 flavors, we have two Coulomb branch operators u2, u3, the mass parameter m for the U(1) part of the flavor symmetry, and the mass parameter for the SU(2) part μ1 μ2. We see that u2 and u3 has scaling dimensions 1 and 32 respectively, m has scaling dimension 12, and μ1 μ2 has dimension 1. Then we see that U(1) subgroup of the flavor symmetry SU(3) is weakly gauged. The vev of this weakly-gauging U(1) vector multiplet is u2.

In terms of pure SO(8) theory, we have four Coulomb branch operators u2, u4, u6 and u8, but as we discussed above, u8 = ũ42. Close to the Argyres-Douglas point, we see that u2, u4, u3 and ũ4 has scaling dimensions 12, 1, 32 and 1 respectively. We see that U(1)2 subgroup of the flavor symmetry SU(3) is weakly gauged by the two U(1) vector multiplets with scalar components u4 and ũ4. The action of the outer automorphism S3 of SO(8) on the dimension-1 operators u4 and ũ4 are generated by the parity operation ũ4 ũ4 and a 120 rotation acting on the u4-ũ4 plane. This is exactly how the Weyl group of the flavor symmetry SU(3) acts on the two mass parameters μ1, μ2, μ3 with μ1 + μ2 + μ3 = 0. Therefore we see that the outer-automorphism symmetry of SO(8) can be identified with the Weyl group of the SU(3) flavor symmetry.