11.4 SO(2N) theories

Now let us quickly discuss the SO(2N) gauge theories.

11.4.1 Semi-classical analysis

The vector multiplet scalar Φ is an 2N × 2N antisymmetric matrix. Let us denote the hypermultiplets by (Qia,Q̃ai) where a = 1,, 2N and i = 1,,Nf. We consider the branch of the supersymmetric vacuum given by

[Φ, Φ] = 0. (11.4.1)

As Φ is antisymmetric, the outcome of the diagonalization is

Φ = diag(a1,,aN,a1,,aN). (11.4.2)

In general the gauge group is broken to U(1)N. The gauge invariant combination is given by

x2N + u2x2N 2 + u4x2N 4 + + u2N = det(x + Φ) (11.4.3)

where x is a dummy variable. Note that the odd powers automatically vanish due to the antisymmetry. In fact ũN defined by the condition

u2N = ũN2,ũN = a1a2aN (11.4.4)

is also invariant under SO(2N) but not under O(2N).

The W-bosons have masses

|± ai ± aj| (11.4.5)

for ij. Similarly, the monopole has the mass

|τ(±ai ± aj)|. (11.4.6)

By expanding the superpotential

i(QiΦQ̃i + μiQiQ̃i), (11.4.7)

classically we find that there is a massless hypermultiplet charged under one of U(1) gauge fields when μs = ±ai for some i and s.

The one-loop running is given by

Λ d dΛτ = 1 2πi(2(2N 2) 2Nf). (11.4.8)

Therefore the theory is asymptotically free for Nf < 2N 2, and is asymptotically conformal when Nf = 2N 2.

11.4.2 Pure SO(2N) theory

The Seiberg-Witten curve of the pure theory is given by

x2(Λ2N 2 z + Λ2N 2z) = x2N + u2x2N 2 + u4x2N 4 + + u2N (11.4.9)

with the differential λ = xdzz. This is a 2N-sheeted cover of the ultraviolet curve C, which is just a sphere with the complex coordinate z. By solving the equation, one finds 2N local solutions ± xi(z). Correspondingly, we define ± λi = ±xi(z)dzz.

Let us study the weakly-coupled regime. We introduce a̲i by

x2N + u2x2N 2 + u4x2N 4 + + u2N = i=1N(x2 a̲i2). (11.4.10)

The regime we are interested in is when |a̲i||Λ|.

Figure 11.6: W-boson of the SO(2N) theory

We draw the A-cycle on the ultraviolet curve at |z| = 1, see Fig. 11.6. On the A-cycle, the equation (11.4.9) can be solved approximately to give

xi(z) = a̲i + O(Λ). (11.4.11)

We lift the A-cycle on C to the sheets of Σ. We have N pairs of cycles ± Ai. Then

ai = 1 2πi Aiλ = 1 2πi λi = a̲i + O(Λ). (11.4.12)

We can now suspend ring-like membranes between sheets. They clearly have masses

|±ai ± aj|. (11.4.13)

We find that we need to impose the constraint that M2-brane cannot be suspended between the i-th sheet and the (i)-th sheet, to forbid the W-boson with mass |±2ai|. As for the monopoles, the branch points are at around

z+ E Λ 2N 2,zΛ E2N 2. (11.4.14)

Then the monopole mass can be approximately computed as in the case of SU(N) gauge theory: we find

|(ai aj) 1 2πizz+dz z | = |(ai aj)2(2N 2) 2πi log E Λ|. (11.4.15)

From this we see that the running coupling is

τ(E) = 2(2N 2) 2πi log E Λ, (11.4.16)

correctly reproducing the one-loop analysis.

Let us study the low-energy coupling matrix τij. The branch points are at z = 0, together with N pairs on generic places of the z-sphere. At z = , there are N 2 solutions behaving as x z1(2N 2) and two solutions behaving as x z12. Therefore it counts as a branch point of degree 2N 2 and another of degree 2. The structure of the branching at z = 0 is the same. Next, consider one of N pairs of branch points of these latter type. When the sheets i and j meet there, the sheets i and j meet at the same time. Slightly moving them apart, we find that there are 4N branch points of degree 2 in total. Using the Riemann-Hurwitz theorem, we see

χ(Σ) = 2Nχ(C) 2(2N 3) 2 4N. (11.4.17)

Therefore the genus of the Seiberg-Witten curve is g = 2N 1. Therefore, the independent 1-cycles on Σ can be labeled as Ã1, …, Ã2N1 and B̃1,…, B̃2N 1 with the intersection

Ãi Ãj = 0 = B̃i B̃j,Ãi B̃j = δij. (11.4.18)

Note that the curve Σ has the symmetry 2 acting by x x. Under this symmetry, the differential is odd: λ λ. Correspondingly, only the 1-cycles L odd under this 2 action can have Lλ0. The cycles Ai for i = 1,,N obtained by lifting the A-cycle on the ultraviolet curve C to Σ are indeed odd. The period matrix τij computed as in (11.2.23) is an (2N 1) × (2N 1) matrix, which is symmetric and whose imaginary part is positive definite. By restricting to the subspace odd under 2 action, we end up having N × N matrix, which is again symmetric and whose imaginary part is positive definite.

11.4.3 SO(2N) theory with flavors in the vector representation

The curve of the SO(2N) theory with one hypermultiplet in the 2N-dimensional representation is

x2(Λ2N 4(x2 μ2) z +Λ2N 2z) = x2N+u2x2N 2+u4x2N 4++u2N. (11.4.19)

Let us just see that there is a singularity in the Coulomb branch when ai = ±μ for some i. As always, we assume |a̲i|,|μ||Λ| , make the redefinition z̃ = zΛ2N 4 and take the limit of the curve:

x2(x2 μ2) z = x2N + u2x2N 2 + u4x2N 4 + + u2N. (11.4.20)

This equation is factorized when ±a̲i = μ or a̲i = 0 for some i. The latter choice does not fit the assumption that |a̲i||Λ|. Then we find the singularities when ±a̲i μ in the weakly-coupled region.

In general, the curve of the SO(2N) with Nf = NR + NL hypermultiplets in the vector representation is given by

x2(Λ2(N NR 1) i=1NR(x2 μi2) z + Λ2(N NL 1)z i=1NL(x2 μi2)) = x2N + u2x2N 2 + u4x2N 4 + + u2N.(11.4.21)

Strictly speaking, this is only for NL + NR < 2N 2. When NL = NR = N 1, we need to put two complex numbers f and f instead of the powers of Λ, much as in (11) for the case of the SU(N) theory with 2N flavors.

Let us check the one-loop running when μi = μi = 0. Assume |a̲i||Λ|. As always we find ai = a̲i + O(Λ). The branch points on the ultraviolet curve are at around

z+ E Λ 2N 2 2NL,zΛ E2N 2 2NR. (11.4.22)

Then the monopole mass can be approximately computed as in the case of SU(N) gauge theory: we find

(ai aj) 1 2πizz+dz z = (ai aj)2(2N 2 2(NL + NR)) 2πi log E Λ . (11.4.23)

From this we see that the running coupling is

τ(E) = 2(2N 2) 2(NL + NR) 2πi log E Λ, (11.4.24)

correctly reproducing the one-loop analysis. Again, the condition that the theory is asymptotically free or conformal is related to the fact that the left hand side of the equation of the curve has lower degree than or equal degree to the right hand side.