11.2 Pure SU(N) theory

11.2.1 The curve

Without further ado, let us introduce the Seiberg-Witten curves. First, the Seiberg-Witten curve for the pure SU(N) theory is given by

Σ : ΛN z + ΛNz = xN + u2xN 2 + + uN (11.2.1)

with the differential λ = xdzz as always. The ultraviolet curve C is just a sphere with the complex coordinate z. At each point on the ultraviolet curve z, we have N solutions to the equation above. Therefore, Σ is an N-sheeted cover of C.

Figure 11.1: W-boson of the SU(N) theory

Let us check that this curve reproduces the semiclassical behavior. We introduce variables a̲i via

xN + u2xN 2 + + uN = i(x a̲i). (11.2.2)

We declare the A-cycle on the ultraviolet curve to be the unit circle |z| = 1. As the Seiberg-Witten curve is an N-sheeted cover, we can lift this curve to each sheet, which we call the cycle Ai. Assume we are in the regime |a̲i| E independent of i, and E Λ. Then, we can approximately solve (11.2.1) by

xi = a̲i + O(Λ). (11.2.3)

It is more convenient to regard λ = xdzz itself to be the coordinate of the sheets. Then we have

λi = a̲idz z + O(Λ). (11.2.4)

The situation is shown in Fig. 11.1. The integral of λ on the cycle Ai is easy to evaluate:

ai := 1 2πi Aiλ = a̲i + O(Λ). (11.2.5)

Now we can suspend a ring-shaped membrane suspended between the i-th sheet and the j-th sheet. The mass of this object is

| 1 2πi Aiλ 1 2πi Ajλ| = | 1 2πi A(λi λj)| = |ai aj|. (11.2.6)

This reproduces the mass of the W-boson.

To see the monopoles, we need to understand the structure of the branching of the N-sheeted cover Σ C. It is convenient to regard the combination y = ΛN(z + 1z) as one coordinate. Then, the equation (11.2.1) can be thought of determining the intersections of the graph of the polynomial

y = P(x) = xN + u2xN 2 + + uN (11.2.7)

and a horizontal line

y = ΛN(z + 1 z) (11.2.8)

as shown in Fig. 11.2. Of course the figure needs to be complexified, but the reader should be able to get the idea.

Figure 11.2: There are (N 1) pairs of branch points in SU(N) pure theory

As is apparent, two out of N sheets meet at (N 1) values of y = Λ(z + 1z), each of which becomes a pair zi± of branch points on the z-sphere with zi+zi = 1. Note that the i-th sheet and the (i + 1)-st sheet meet at this pair of branch points. Then we can suspend a disk-shaped membrane between this pair of branch points, as shown in Fig. 11.3.

Figure 11.3: Monopoles of SU(N) pure theory

In the semiclassical regime when |a̲i||E||Λ|, we have

|zi+|EN ΛN,|zi| ΛN EN. (11.2.9)

We call the path connecting zi+ and zi as Bi. Then

Mmonopole = | 1 2πiBi(λi λi+1)| (11.2.10) |(ai ai+1) 1 2πiΛNENENΛNdz z | (11.2.11) |(ai ai+1)2N 2πi log E Λ|. (11.2.12)

This reproduces the mass of the monopole, by identifying

τ(E) = 2N 2πi log E Λ. (11.2.13)

This correctly reproduces the one-loop running of the pure SU(N) theory.

11.2.2 Infrared gauge coupling matrix

Let us check that our curve satisfies the condition that the coupling matrices of the low-energy U(1)N 1 theory is positive definite. For this purpose we need to understand the geometry of the Seiberg-Witten curve Σ better. This is an N-sheeted cover of C with 2N 2 branch points zi± of order 2 and 2 branch points z = 0, of order N. The genus g of Σ is then determined by the Riemann-Hurwitz formula15 :

χ(Σ) = Nχ(C) (2N 2) 2(N 1) (11.2.14)

where χ(Σ) = 2 2g and χ(C) = 2 are the Euler number of the respective surfaces. We find g = N 1. The basis of the 1-cycles consists of (2N 2) cycles Ai and B̃i, i = 1,,N 1, where the intersections are given by

Ai Aj = 0 = B̃i B̃j,Ai B̃j = δij. (11.2.15)

Here the dot product counts the number of intersections (including signs) of two one-cycles. The resulting set of cycles is shown in Fig. 11.4.

Figure 11.4: Cycles Ai and B̃i on the Seiberg-Witten curve of the pure SU(N) theory.

The figures 11.3 and 11.4 are drawn in a rather different manner. The cycles from A1 to AN1 can be directly identified. We have

AN = A1 A2 AN1 (11.2.16)

as far as the line integral of holomorphic forms are concerned. Correspondingly, the variables ai as defined in (11.2.5) are not linearly independent, and we have

aN = a1 aN1. (11.2.17)

The combination Bi Bi+1 in Fig. 11.3 intersects with Ai positively and with Ai+1 negatively. Then, we see

Bi Bi+1 = B̃i B̃i + 1. (11.2.18)

Equivalently, B̃i is a closed one-cycle completing the open path Bi in a way independent of i. Then we define

aDi := 1 2πi B̃iλ (11.2.19)

on the curve. Let us consider

τij := aDi aj = XDik(X1)kj (11.2.20)


Xik := ai uk,XDjk := aDj uk . (11.2.21)


ωk = ukλconstant z, (11.2.22)

we find

τij = XDik(X1)kjwhereXik = Aiωk,XDjk = B̃jωk. (11.2.23)

It can be checked that ω2,3,,N form a basis of holomorphic non-singular one-forms on Σ. The matrix τij formed this way is known mathematically as the period matrix of Σ, and is known to satisfy

τij = τji,Imτijis positive definite. (11.2.24)

From the first condition, we see that there is locally a function F(ai) such that

aDi = F ai,τij = 2F aiaj. (11.2.25)

This justifies that we identify ai, aDi defined this way with the ai appearing in the low-energy description of U(1)N 1 gauge theory. The inverse gauge coupling matrix is given by Imτij, whose positive definiteness is guaranteed by the mathematical relation (11.2.24).