1.1 Electric and magnetic charges

Consider a U(1) gauge field, described by the gauge potential A = Aμdxμ and the field strength F = 1 2Fμνdxμ dxν, where Fμν = [μAν]. This is invariant under the gauge transformation

A A + ig1dg (1.1.1)

where g is a map from the spacetime to complex numbers with absolute value one, |g| = 1. We can write g = eiχ with a real function χ, and we then have a more familiar

A A dχ, (1.1.2)

but it will be important for us that χ can be multi-valued, so that we identify

χ χ + 2π. (1.1.3)

Consider a field ϕ, with the gauge transformation given by

ϕ gnϕ (1.1.4)

We require here that g specifies the transformations of all fields in the system uniquely. Then n needs to be an integer; fractional powers are not uniquely defined.

The covariant derivative given by

Dμϕ = μϕ + inAμϕ, (1.1.5)

and the kinetic term |Dμϕ|2 is gauge-invariant. We write the action of the gauge field as

SMaxwell =d4x 1 2e2FμνFμν. (1.1.6)

The coefficient 2 in the denominator is slightly unconventional, but this choice removes various annoying factors later. Then the force between two particles obtained by quantizing the field ϕ is proportional to e2n2. In phenomenological literature the combination en is often called the electric charge, but in this lecture note we call the integer n the electric charge. It might also be tempting to rescale F to eliminate the factor of e2 from the denominator above. But we stick to the convention that the periodicity of χ is 2π, see (1.1.3).

An electric particle with charge n in the first quantized setup, Wick-rotated to the Euclidean signature, couples to the gauge field via

S = inLdxμAμ (1.1.7)

where L is the worldline. The integrality of n in this approach can be seen as follows. Due to the periodicity of χ (1.1.3), the line integral dxμAμ is determined only up to an addition of an integral multiple of 2π. Inside the path integral, eiS needs to be well defined. Then n needs to be an integer.

Adding (1.1.6) and (1.1.7) and writing down the equation of motion for Aμ, we see that

S2 4π e2E dn =S2 4π e2F = 2πn, (1.1.8)

where Ei = F0i are the electric field components, S2 is the sphere at infinity,

F = 1 2(F)μνdxμ dxν (1.1.9)


(F)μν = 1 2𝜖μνρσFρσ (1.1.10)

is the dual field strength. We also use the notation F̃ = F interchangeably.

Next, consider a space with the origin removed. Surround the origin by a sphere. The gauge fields AN,S on the northern and the southern hemispheres are related by gauge transformation:

AN = AS + ig1dg (1.1.11)

on the equator. Then we have

S2F =NF +SF =equator(AN AS) =𝜃=0𝜃 = 2πdχ d𝜃d𝜃 = 2πm, (1.1.12)

where m is an integer. We call m the magnetic charge of the configuration. The energy contained in the Coulombic magnetic field diverges at the origin; but you should not worry too much about it, as the quantized electric particle also has a Coulombic electric field whose energy diverges. They are both rendered finite by renormalization. When m is nonzero, the configuration is called a magnetic monopole. Usually we simply call it a monopole.

Figure 1.1: Angular momentum generated in the presence of both electric and magnetic particles. The straight, dashed and double arrows are for electric fields, magnetic fields and Poynting vectors, respectively.

Put a particle with electric charge n, and another particle with magnetic charge m on two separate points. The combined electric and magnetic field generate an angular momentum around the axis connecting two points via their Poynting vector, see Fig. 1.1. A careful computation shows that the total angular momentum contained in the electromagnetic field is nm2, which is consistent with the quantum-mechanical quantization of the angular momentum.

More generally, we can consider dyons, which are particles with both electric and magnetic charges. If we have a particle with electric charge n and magnetic charge m, and another particle with electric charge n and magnetic charge m, the total angular momentum is 2 times

nm mn. (1.1.13)

We call this combination the Dirac pairing of two sets of charges (n,m) and (n,m).