4.2 Behavior in the strongly-coupled region

Let us study what is going on in the strongly coupled region which is the interior of the u-plane. There needs to be at least one singularity in this interior region to realize the monodromy M of holomorphic functions a and aD. So, most naively, we would expect the structure as in Fig. 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Naive guess which does not work

Where will the singularity be? Here the discrete unbroken U(1) R-symmetry of the system is useful. Recall our 𝒩=2 theory has an SU(2)R symmetry. Classically, we can also consider a U(1)R symmetry with the standard R-charge assignment given as follows:

R = 0 A1λλ 2 Φ . (4.2.1)

Different components in the same supersymmetry multiplet have different charges, and therefore this is an R-symmetry.

Quantum mechanically, the rotation

λ eiφλ, (4.2.2)

is anomalous, but can be compensated by

𝜃UV 𝜃UV + 8φ, (4.2.3)

as we learned in Sec. 3.2.1.

Therefore φ = π4 is a genuine symmetry, which does

𝜃 𝜃 + 2π,Φ eπi2Φ. (4.2.4)

This generates a 4 discrete R-symmetry of the system. In the low-energy variables, it acts as

𝜃IR 𝜃IR + 4π,u u. (4.2.5)

Then, if there is a singularity at u = u0, there should be another at u = u0. Therefore, if there is only one singularity, it is at u = 0.

If this were really the case, we would find that τ(a) is given by

τ(a) = 8 2πi log a Λ + f(a). (4.2.6)

where f(a) is a meromorphic function whose only singularity is at a = 0. This does not sound right, however. The coupling is given by Imτ(a), which is the imaginary part of a holomorphic function. Then, it has no lower bound, and therefore it becomes negative for some value of a. This means that the coupling g2 is negative there, and the system becomes unstable. For example, supposing f(a) = 0, the imaginary part is negative when |a| is small enough. We conclude that our assumption of having just one singularity at u = 0 was too naive.

The next simplest possibility is then to suppose that there are two singularities at u = ±u0, see Fig. 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Next guess which turns out to be correct

The only scale in the system is the dynamical scale Λ, therefore u0 should be given by cΛ where c is a number. Denoting the monodromies around two singularities M±, we should have

M = M+M, (4.2.7)

since the path going around the infinity of the u-plane is topologically the same as the path which first goes around u = u0 and then around u = u0. As two singularities are exchanged by a symmetry, the monodromies around them should be essentially the same, except for the relabeling of the charges. Or equivalently, they should be conjugate

M = XM+X1 (4.2.8)

by an SL(2, ) matrix X. Note that this matrix X can be thought of a half-monodromy associated to the symmetry operation (4.2.5), see Fig. 4.5

Figure 4.5: The relation between M+ and M

A solution to these equations is given by

M+ = STS1 = 1 01 1 ,M = T2STS1T2 = 14 1 3 (4.2.9)

where S and T were given in (1.2.19), (1.2.20). Note that we have

X = T2, (4.2.10)

which is roughly compatible with the fact that the discrete R-symmetry (4.2.5) shifts 𝜃IR by 4π.