Constructing a FIND command

The format of the SPIRES FIND command is. . .    FIND index-name search-term(s)

See above for examples. You can also search muliple indexes with boolean searching.

You may search using the following index names:

       AUTHOR (A)          TITLE (T)             AFFILIATION (AF)
       JOURNAL (J)
The abbreviation (or variation) is in parentheses. You can get a full list of all the searchable indexes in HEP. If you are performing a citation search, view the list of journal code names.

Author searches. Use a family name (e.g., DRELL), or a combination with initials (e.g., S DRELL or DRELL, S). Note the comma following the family name.

Title searches. It is enough to know only one word from a title, but a search will often be more efficient if you type more than one word. The order of title-words in your request is unimportant, and do not use commas to separate the words.

Topic search. You need to know the exact term associated with a certain topic. Use the browse command to find your term, or to get a complete list of topic terms.

Citation search. Type the journal's code (called CODEN), followed by volume number, and the first-page number. For example,

          FIND C PHRVA,D4,3388
This finds the HEP-database citations of the Physical Review article printed in volume D4, beginning on the page 3388. Use the browse command to learn the codens, or check the table with codens of the more popular journals.

Journal search. If you know a journal reference, but don't know author(s) and title of that paper. Type the full journal name or common abbreviation (e.g., physical review, or nucl phys, or z. phys., or prl). Volume and page numbers are optional in this search, but if they are given, they must be separated from a journal name by comma(s). Examples:

          FIN JOURNAL CLASS. QUANT. GRAV. AND DATE 1994     or
          FIN J PHYS. LETT.,  B202                          or
          FIN J PHYS LETT,  B202                            or
          FIND JOURNAL PR, D32, 144

Affiliation search. Use the standard PPF Address List institution's names. Examples:

          FIN AF VIRGINIA U.
Use the browse command to find the standard institution name, or search the Institutions database.

Published search. You can restrict a search to published articles only with the PS qualifier. Add ... AND PS PUBLISHED to the end of your regular search command. Example:

          FIND author hewet AND PS PUBLISHED
The term PUBLISHED above can be shortened to P (AND PS P).

Date search. You can restrict a search to a certain time interval with the DATE qualifier. Add, for example, ... AND DATE 1994 to your search command. Example:

          FIND report-num prefix slac-pub AND DATE 1994
This will limit the search to only those articles from 1994. More detailed help for searching on date is available.

Search Operators

A more complicated search may be entered using the logical operators and, or, and and not. For example, typing find author drell or title cp violation yields entries authored by anyone with the last name of Drell as well as all entries with cp violation somewhere in the title. Typing find author drell and not title cp violation yields only the entries authored by someone with the last name of Drell that do not have cp violation somewhere in the title.


The truncation symbol, #, may be used for some indices if the spelling of a word is not known or if a more general search is desired. For efficient searches, it should be used sparingly, and only with the following indices:

       AUTHOR (A)          TITLE (T)             AFFILIATION (AF)