21st century COE project

21st century COE project

" Prospects on Fundamental Physics in the 21st Century"

Date; February 16-18, 2004

Place; Sanjo Hall, University of Tokyo

This is the first of the series of planned symposia by our COE project "QUESTS". This time it is focused on the areas of particle/nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The symposium puts emphasis on the cross-disciplinary aspects of fundamental physical sciences and consists of lectures by the leading scientists in the fields.


l        Particle Physics


T. Eguchi (Tokyo)

Gauge/Gravity Correspondence in String Theory

R.-D. Heuer (Hamburg)

Linear Collider project      

T. Kobayashi (ICEPP,Tokyo)       

Large Hadron Collider Experiments      

T. Yanagida (Tokyo)

Universe's Baryon Asymmetry      



l        Nuclear Physics


R. Hayano (Tokyo)

Partial Restoration of Chiral Symmetry in Nuclear Medium

B. Jacak (New York)

Quark-Gluon Plasma at Relativisitic High Energy Collision

A. Thomas (Adelaide)

Quantum Chromodynamics and Hadron Physics

P. Van Isacker (GANIL)

Symmetries of the Nuclear Many-Body Problem



l        Neutrino physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics


M. Fukugita (ICRR,Tokyo)

Evolution of the Universe: Our Current Understanding and the Issues

F. Halzen (Madison)

High Energy Neutrino Detections, AMANDA, ICECUBE

P. Lipari (Rome)  

Gamma Ray Astronomy and Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

K. Makishima (Tokyo)

Large-scale Electromagnetic Interactions in the Universe

M. Nakahata (ICRR,Tokyo)

SuperKamiokande Experiments

K. Sato (Tokyo)

Supernova Explosion and Neutrino Burst

E. Turner (Princeton)

Astrophysics versus Astronomy at the Beginning of the New Millennium



For questions about this symposium, please contact       eguchi@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp